All posts by BlacKcuD

Hearthstone Naxxramas Heroic Maexxna Paladin Victory

Heroic Maexxna Guide

How to beat Maexxna on Heroic?

Maexxna Heroic Hero AbilityNaxxramas is here and with it three bosses to conquer. After you have completed them in normal mode, you can try them on heroic difficulty. This is not that important as the only thing you will get is a custom cardback if you manage to beat all the heroic bosses of all five wings. Heroic Maexxna is one of … Continue Reading ››
Archeage Beta Action Vol 2

Archeage 2nd Beta Event

Archeage Beta Events

The Archeage beta is finally upon us. For the second time now we have access to the closed beta servers and are able to enjoy the game in a much more advanced state. The second, currently ongoing, beta event will last until Monday, August 4th. The improved graphics look gorgeous and the game feels much more polished already. Archeage Closed Beta Event 2Continue Reading ››